If you are a new youtuber with less subscribers then it is also true that you want more subs and view here are some points which you can use to gain more views and subscribers.

  • First of all increase content one your channel if your if you are having 2 to 3 videos its not gonna work and plus you need to increase quality of the content with the increase in number of videos.
  • how you can increase quality is by increasing sound quality through purchasing expensive mics and if you are a vlogger or you need camera in your video then camera quality matters a lot so more is the quality more is the views cause no one want to see a blurred video .
  • A simple trick to increase subscriber is that there is no trick every person who views youtube nowadays know that how to subscribe channel if you are giving an amazing content then a person would definitely subscribe you and if you will ask your viewer politely for subscription he would be happy to subscribe you.
  • Never do youtube for money . yes its true that youtube is a nice source of income but if you will use youtube only for for money then your interest would go down with respect to time as it takes a lot of time to get the first earning by youtube but if your content quality is A1 grade you will definitely will be a big youtuber one day.
  • another tip is that never copy be original. I know its hard to be original some times but its also truth originality gets the fame.
  • Always be updated with what is in trending and use that in your videos . some of you will be in dilemma that at one point I am saying that originality matter and at the next point I am talking about stay updated to what is trending actually when something come into trend then people want to see that thing more and more and people search that topic more then other so therefore its necessary to be updated with the trend.
  • Other major point is have a single pattern in your videos like if you are a vlogger do vloging only , if you are a gamer so play games only .
  • Another major point is that a maximum of 2 channels should be a limit if you have more then that and you think you can earn more then its fake it doesn't happens and make another channel if the content created on that channel is totally different from each other .
  • another is that never have a strike on videos try to skip the use of copyrighted things if you will use then it will lead to a copyright strike which reduces the traffic on a channel.
  • last but not the least is that patience is the thing you will need the most as youtube channel is like a seed which need time to become a full grown tree to give fruits.
If you will follow these points one day you definitely be a youtuber  with massive audience . 
